The Lake Agassiz Pacers St. Patrick's Day 5K & 10K has been a staple
running/walking event in Fargo-Moorhead for many years! Get your
"Green" on and come out for a great time. The Lake Agassiz Pacers/LAP
have hosted the St Patrick's Day Run since the 1980's and very happy
to keep bringing the event back on the road. Date: Saturday, March
15th, 2025 Time: Race Starts at 10am Location: Registration & Packet
Pickup at Swing Barrel Brewing Moorhead Registration Includes: -Shirt
-Swing Barrel Brewing + St. Patrick's Day Branded Mug -One FREE drink
(21+) -Post-run snacks/food to refuel *Online registration will close
at 11pm on Thursday, March 13th *Packet Pickup & Walkup Registration
will be available at Swing Barrel Brewing Moorhead on Saturday, March
15th from 8:30-9:45am. *LAP members qualify for a discount by filling
out the appropriate form. Pick an option to get yourself registered,
and secure your place on the starting line at this years' event!
01/03/2025 Last update