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50 Fun Things workshop in NE Mpls (+ 1 year FUNiversary!)

Sun 23 September 2018
4:00 PM - 6:30 PM

WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 50 (YES, 50!) FUN THINGS YOU WANT TO EXPERIENCE?_THIS POPULAR WORKSHOP INCLUDES 50 FUN THINGS TOOLS INCLUDING WORKBOOK, CHART AND INVITATION FOR ONGOING MOTIVATION AND FUN INVITES THROUGH THE 50 FUN THINGS ALUMNI GROUP. POWERFUL THINGS HAVE BEEN HAPPENING FOR PAST WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTS. SAVE YOUR SPOT AND R__EGISTER NOW!_ In this WORKSHOP, you'll be guided to dive in to identify and achieve 50 THINGS YOU WANT TO EXPERIENCE, personally and professionally --_they go hand in hand!_ 50 THINGS MAY SEEM LIKE A LOT, but thinking so large helps you break through limited thinking and negative self-talk, and get you into a fun and playful mindset where you think about what you really want your life to look and feel like. Why not?! Once the intention is set, THINGS BEGIN TO HAPPEN AND YOU'LL BE CROSSING THINGS OFF YOUR LIST SOONER THAN YOU THOUGHT! Expert connector, Teresa Thomas will share her own experience creating her "50 Fun Things" chart. To her pleasant surprise, she began more fully living life, having her dreams come true more quickly than she expected, and it opened her mind to receiving many more positive lessons along the way. At this uplifting, interactive WORKSHOP, Teresa will share examples from her 50 Fun THINGS LIST ALONG WITH SUCCESS STORIES FROM PAST PARTICIPANTS. You'll be guided through the steps to begin creating your own 50 Fun THINGS CHART FOR MEANINGFUL CONNECTIONS AND EXPERIENCES.  What can you expect from the 50 Fun Things Workshop?  * A chance to create your own 50 Fun Things chart to amp up your quality of life and start fully loving life personally and professionally * Lively, in-depth discussion where you can share your own experiences and learn new ways to transform your work and/or personal life to make it more fulfilling, exciting, and fun * More meaningful connections as you share and experience your list with clients, colleagues, family and friends * Receive the 50 Fun Things workbook and chart to help you reflect on and gain clarity for your 50 Fun Things!  * Optional invitation to stay in touch, keep motivated and share fun ideas in the 50 Fun THINGS ALUMNI GROUP AND SOCIAL MIXERS. * You're encouraged to stay afterward for a Happy 1st FUNiversary Celebration with other 50 Fun Things alumni to celebrate one year since 50 Fun Things began at this very location! *This WORKSHOP IS ESPECIALLY FOR YOU IF YOU ARE GOING THROUGH OR READY TO GO THROUGH A LIFE TRANSITION (e.g. career change, enhancing or redefining a relationship, retirement, divorce, graduation, milestone birthday or just want to focus on having more fun and fulfillment). For those of you who know Teresa's reputation for working with women entrepreneurs, please note that this WORKSHOP IS OPEN AND WELCOMING TO ALL. We encourage you to invite friends, colleagues or family! Hear what was shared in past evaluations (and check out this blog about the experience []):   _"I am not normally a 'workshop type' of person but 50 Fun Things was instrumental in getting my mojo back. I gained clarity for how I want my life to be, hopefulness and confidence. I'm already experiencing results. I carried these qualities into a job interview--I aced it and was offered the job! It's affecting the other parts of my life, too." _ _"This session created much more openness with me to others and what is possible. So inspiring!"_ _"New ideas came to mind about what I really want to do and who I want to invite along with me." "Totally compelling and awesome! You shined and inspired the hell out of everyone!"_ _"Yess! I love this concept and definitely will recommend it to others." "The guidelines helped me to thing bigger, get my thoughts on paper to make them happen. Thanks for sharing this tool and the inspiring story behind how it was created." "This tool will help me to make the changes I want more real by sharing the experiences with others." "I realized it is easier than I thought to make great connections and great THINGS HAPPEN TOGETHER. My gears have kept turning since this session with more fun ideas I can't wait to experience!" "This exercise provided a good discipline to create the time to reflect on how you want your work and life to be and feel." "It opened my mind to new THINGS/new ways of thinking." "Please keep offering these 50 Fun Things sessions.The world needs this!"_ _"Thank you for helping me to think BIG! I am now excited for the year ahead!"_   We recommend that you register SOON to reserve your spot. Space is limited and we expect to fill.   Facilitated by Teresa Thomas, The Win/Win Connector   _Teresa Thomas [], networking expert, is author of Win/Win Networking: Your Guidebook for Confident and Effective Connections []. _Teresa is an engaging speaker with a lighthearted, interactive style. She is the founder of Win/Win Connects, your source for dynamic WORKSHOPS THAT HELP YOU BUILD CONFIDENT NETWORKING STRATEGIES AND REVITALIZE YOUR CAREER. With over 20 years in the business of professional connections, Teresa has facilitated hundreds of networking events, presented for countless groups, and helped thousands to connect and grow through Win/Win networking.  She also has been the director of MN Women in Networking (WIN) [] for over 10 years, during which time she has uplifted the careers of more than 2,500 women. WIN's events are uniquely rewarding and fun due to Teresa's supportive, inclusive approach to business networking.  Teresa also offers individual consultations for personal focus on your best networking strategies. Learn more at [] and receive her free gift, Easy Tips for Entering a Conversation. She looks forward to connecting with you! 612-990-7815,    Teresa believes networking is really about seeing the interconnectedness between all of us. It is about listening and noticing the ways we can lift each other up.  _A limited number of partial scholarships are available funded in part by Pay It FUNward contributions. If you are going through a financially challenging time, reach out to _to inquire.     Standard Cancellation Policy:  Win/Win Connects events count on advance registration therefore refunds are not routinely available. Please be sure that you are able to attend when you register. If you provide at least a 7 day notice that you cannot attend, you will be credited the full amount of your paid registration toward a future event. If you provide less than a week's notice, you may send a substitute in your place. Substitution Policy: Our events count on having each registrant present. If you register and fnd you cannot attend, you may send a substitute in your place. You may wish to send someone from your staff, a colleague or friend in your place. We reserve the right to change this policy.
business workshop
25/09/2018 Last update

Twin Spirits Distillery
2931 Central Ave NE, Minneapolis, 55418, MN, United States

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  2. Win/Win Connects
  3. 50 Fun Things workshop in NE Mpls (+ 1 year FUNiversary!)