JuneteenthKC presents its inaugural film festival curated by Fox 4
News film critic Shawn Edwards. Film is an important part of the black
experience and has been since the beginning of the motion picture
industry in the early 1900s, says Edwards As we celebrate one of the
most important days in Africa American culture I felt it was important
that we include groundbreaking cinema. JuneteenthKC Film Festival
Featured Film #2 The Blackening (Lionsgate) The Blackening centers
around a group of Black friends who reunite for a Juneteenth weekend
getaway only to find themselves trapped in a remote cabin with a
twisted killer. Forced to play by his rules, the friends soon realize
this ain't no game. The Blackening skewers genre tropes and poses the
sardonic question: if the entire cast of a ho FREE ADMISSION
14/06/2023 Last update