
Advanced Suicide Prevention Certification for ZERO Suicide System Nu-Rekall™

Advanced Suicide Prevention Certification for ZERO Suicide System Nu-Rekall™
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International Suicide Prevention

ISP is a 501(c)(3) public charity nonprofit, since 2006

International Suicide Prevention

Matthew D Dovel, the instructor, and creator of Zero Suicide Systems called Nu-Rekall™

Radical innovative NEW treatments with truly amazing results!  This is the most powerful program available on the market for suicide prevention, and to the general public, for changing the behavior matrix. 

Evidence based proven technology in use for over 10 years.

  • World leader in suicide prevention and provider of FREE treatments to the suicidal for three decades.
  • President of International Suicide Prevention, working for FREE for over a decade.
  • Scientist in human behavioral modification for three decades self-funded.
  • His latest work has launched him into the international spotlight by teaching a cure for suicidal ideation to  other mental health professionals.
  • He has treated thousands over the past few decades, and now over 200 individuals each day, since 2014, utilizing his copyrighted first of its kind FREE self-help for suicidal ideation.
  • Over one hundred thousand people have accessed the FREE treatments since they went online in 2014.

Matthew D Dovel has been featured on many TV News programs:

   News 8 Las Vegas, Nevada U.S.A.

trans.gif   Executive summary:

   Matthew D Dovel on Linkedin:

FactsSuicide, (World Health Organization, and America Foundation for Suicide Prevention).


    World Health Organization AFSP

  • In America, over 100 people commit suicide each day.
  • In America, over 2,400 people attempt suicide each day.
  • Globally, there are over 3,000 suicides each day.
  • And, globally there are over 72,000 attempted suicides.
  • Each year it is estimated that over 60,000,000 people suffer from depression.
  • Suicide costs the United States over $44 billion annually.

About the Zero suicide systems called Nu-Rekall™(a ZERO suicide system is: the belief that ALL suicide deaths for individuals under care within health and behavioral health systems are preventable)

  • There is no educational prerequisite for taking a proven Nu-Rekall™ training course teaching a Zero suicide system.
  • Nu-Rekall™ has also been proven effective for; depression, anxiety, phobias, P.T.S.D., and other unwanted or socially unacceptable coping mechanisms.
  • Nu-Rekall™ is the only single treatment procedure proven to remove suicidal ideation and deactivate the survival instinct.
  • Nu-Rekall™ has been proven to help people who are experiencing intense emotional suffering, and with Nu-Rekall™ experience instant measurable relief, that takes between 5 to 20 minutes to complete.
  • Nu-Rekall™ treatments are noninvasive, and non-medical.
  • Nu-Rekall™ treatments have been proven through rigorous testing; in use for over a decade at International Suicide Prevention to remove suicidal ideation within minutes.
  • Nu-Rekall™ procedures are safe, proven, and endorsed by mental health professionals.

This is how Nu-Rekall Changes the Behavior Matrix.

Behavior Matrix

Sigmund Freud theorized that all decision making is based on our desire to seek out pleasure, and avoid pain. As long as someone has a past experience with a hierarchical level above four on a scale of between one and ten, with ten being the most intense, then it will have an influence over the individual’s decisions. This creates a very limited lifestyle; avoidance of any sensory, emotional, or intensity similar to situations and/or circumstances that one is wishing to avoid any recall of, thus causing symptoms of depression, anxiety and/or suicidal ideation.

With Nu-Rekall™ Zero Suicide Systems we take a segment of a person’s past and alter its hierarchy (intensity). It is only required to alter the hierarchy by two degrees at first, and then a natural degradation continues the process ending the segment of targeted memory in zero. The whole process takes a week, but as soon as the process is initiated the survival instinct is deactivated.


No long-term therapy!

No medications!

No hospitalization

No psychosurgery

Nu-Rekall™ the noninvasive, non-medical, quick, easy, proven, and and evidence based system.

4 Phase

Frequently asked questions

  • Can Nu-Rekall™ stop depression? Yes!
  • Can Nu-Rekall™ stop anxiety? Yes!
  • Can Nu-Rekall™ really stop P.T.S.D.? Yes!
  • Can I learn the Nu-Rekall™ system even thought I have no mental health training? Yes!
  • Since Nu-Rekall™ has been around for over a decade, why haven’t you ever heard about it? Good question! Nu-Rekall™ methods have been in the news for year! Just checkout the link below.

News 3 Special report – Veterans day Las Vegas, Nevada U.S.A

trans.gifAlso seen on: Good Morning America, 20/20, Coast to Coast and other numerous radio, and print news outlets.

How does the Nu-Rekall™ system work?

  • Nu-Rekall™ is unique in that it targets past memories, more specifically, that were at the onset of symptoms: depression, anxiety, phobias, P.T.S.D., coping mechanisms, and suicidal ideation.
  • Nu-Rekall™ addresses three types of ‘Memory Trauma’ that is widely believed to be the cause of mental disorders.
  • Nu-Rekall™ system utilizes a systematic sequential cognitive override code inherent in ALL humans that alters the hierarchy of targeted memories with 15 minutes or less in length.
  • Nu-Rekall™ utilizes verbal commands by trained mental health professionals, and self-help, that is noninvasive, and non-medical.
  • Nu-Rekall™ is safe, even children as young as 5 years of age have successfully followed the procedures with lasting, and permanent results.

1. Nu-Rekall treatment 'MTR'.


2. Nu-Rekall treatment '4 Phase'.

4 Phase

3. Nu-Rekall treatment 'PMHCO'


* To learn how to administer these treatments, and for what purpose, you must attent the Nu-Rekall certification course.

Endorsements for Matthew D Dovel

Matthew Dovel has answered the call to address one of the biggest challenges facing our society today.” - Stephen J. Johnson, Ph.D.

Stephen J. Johnson, Ph.D., earned all three of his advanced degrees and was awarded a Fellowship in Rehabilitation Psychology from the University of Southern California. He has been a licensed psychotherapist, consultant, and educator for over 40 years and has a full-time practice with offices in Beverly Hills and Woodland Hills. He holds two counseling credentials and a National Certification in Rehabilitation (CRC5869) as well as a state license in Marriage and Family Therapy (MFC5867) granted in 1972. Additionally, he has clinical membership in several professional organizations and is a Fellow in the American Psychotherapy Association. He is one of the founding directors of the Center for Holistic Psychology in Beverly Hills, with which he has been associated since 1974. He has lectured in a number of venues and has been an instructor at the University of Southern California and Ryokan College in West Los Angeles as well as having facilitated events for men at California State University in Northridge.

9012 Burton Way, Suite B.

Beverly Hills, CA 90211


A high impact source of know how to face possible suicidal” - Dr. Andrea E. Salvi

An orthopedic surgeon that is frequently involved in human sufferance that works on the outskirts of Brescia, Italy. And, a Rotarian of E-Club 2042.

A reviewer for many American and European journals, (even for the U.S.A. Army Journal, namely the Military Medicine).

Andrea E. Salvi - M.D. / Salvi AE [Author]

I can be reached at: Via Cipro 30 – 25124 Brescia, Italy +39 347 4485570

“I commend Matthew on all the great work he has done and continues to do with all those who can use it.” - John La Valle – co-author of Persuasion Engineering®

John La Valle - President of the Society of NLP

NLP Seminars International

One of the World's most respected corporate consultants and the co-author of 'Persuasion Engineering'® with Richard Bandler. Neuro-linguistic programming

(NLP) is an approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy

created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California, USA in the 1970s. The title asserts a connection between the neurological processes ("neuro"), language

("linguistic"), and behavioral patterns learned through experience ("programming") that proponents speculate can be changed to achieve specific goals in life.

Money back guarantee course with certificate: Global Nu-Rekall™ certification

Nu-Rekall Certification

Course Duration - One 8 hour course with FREE phone support.

Course Level – Entry level, no prior knowledge of psychology needed.

Learning Goals

  • Learn the latest in mind theory.
  • Learn how to evaluate patients quickly.
  • Learn proficiency in Nu-Rekall™ fundamental tool set, methodology, and three new copyrighted procedures on how to treat; suicidal ideation, depression, anxiety, phobias, P.T.S.D. and unwanted coping mechanisms.
  • How to keep them coming back and how to attract new clients.
  • Live demonstrations.

Training Zero Suicide Systems Nu-RekallLocations

  • Skype Globally - Learn the Zero Suicide System Online from the comfort of your office or home
  • Onsite training options for your location
  • Las Vegas, Nevada U.S.A. (Monthly) - 370 Hughes Center Drive - 370 Hughes Center Drive, Las Vegas, Nevada U.S.A. 89169

Course Target Audience

Professional or aspiring coaches, educators, business professionals, mental or physical health professionals, and others whom would benefit learning the Nu-Rekall™ skill set for professional or personal reasons.

Special Conditions

Participants need to be sound of body and mind to be able to enter and complete the course successfully. A reasonable proficiency in the English language is a requirement.

Course Materials & Post-Course Support-

Included with this class are:

    • In class hand-outs.
    • Nu-Rekall™ emergency step-by-step procedure manual.
    • Post-Course support: FREE phone support, FREE email support, FREE text message support.
    • Listing in the Nu-Rekall™ global network referral system (coming soon)
    • Location alert for nearby facilitators built into Nu-Rekall™ self-help app (coming soon)
    • Certificate annual renewal fee (Limited time, this class offers FREE lifetime certification; standard $500.00 annual renewal fee waved)

Incentives and discounts

  • Group (5 or more),V.A., and military discounts may apply (call for pricing).
  • 5% discounts for LinkedIn members (Limited time offer).
  • Get up to $500 cash back for referrals (10%).
  • Onsite training available for additional fee (call for pricing).
  • NEW - Online training course with Skype (Call for Pricing).

A final word

  • Do you want to help others?
  • Do you want to learn something truly amazing in the treatment of depression and anxiety?
  • Do you want to be ahead of the curve in the next big thing in psychology?
  • Do you want to change people’s lives for the better?
  • When someone experiences a traumatic experience you will be able to now treat them in less than 5 minutes? Isn’t that awesome?

Then take this course...what are you waiting for?

Point of Contact

Matthew D Dovel

+1 702 743 4340 U.S.A.



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