
Full Moon Hike- April - Hollis, NH 2022

Full Moon Hike- April - Hollis, NH 2022
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April's Full Moon is the PINK Moon. Join BBA Naturalists for a Full Moon Night Hike around the trails of Beaver Brook. Dress in layers, because believe it or not, you will warm up and be so happy to get outside on a spring night! It's a great experience. After the hike you will return to Maple Hill Farm for warm beverages and provisions. BBA Member Per Person:$18.00 Non-Member Per Person: $20.00

Views - 16/04/2022 Last update
ridge road 117
maple hill farm spear room beaver brook association, nh, 3049, nh
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maple hill farm spear room beaver brook association, nh, 3049, nh
ridge road 117
maple hill farm spear room beaver brook association, nh, 3049, nh
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