On Sunday, May 7, 2023 the High Mountain Meadow Poetry Series will meet at the Wayne Public Library at 2:00 pm for a program featuring poets Pamela Hughes and George Witte. The group features two poets at each date and includes an Open Mic.
Pamela Hughes is the editor of Narrative Northeast, a literary and arts magazine that supports diverse voices and visions (LBGTQ+ and straight) as well as the environment. Her eco collection of poetry, Meadowland Take My Hand was published in 2017 by Three Mile Harbor Press. Her forthcoming collection of poetry, Femistry, is forthcoming in 2023. She graduated from Brooklyn College with an MFA in Creative Writing. Visit her at either: www.narrativenortheast.com or www.pamelahugheswrites.com .
George Witte has published three books of poems, The Apparitioners, Deniability, and Does She Have a Name? His fourth book of poems, An Abundance of Caution, will be published by Unbound Edition Press in April 2023. His work has appeared widely in journals and is anthologized in several collections, including The Best American Poetry. A native of Madison, New Jersey, he lives with his family in Ridgewood, New Jersey. Facebook: https:www.facebook.com/George.witte.12 ; Instagram:
All are welcome. The Wayne Public Library is a barrier free building and meets all ADA requirements.