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Santa Fe Indigenous Center Holiday Arts and Craft Bazaar

Sat 9 December 2023
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Mark your calendars! The SANTA FE INDIGENOUS CENTER ANNOUNCES THE INDIGENOUS HOLIDAY ARTS AND CRAFTS BAZAAR, December 9, 2023, 9am-4pm at 1420 Cerrillos Road.Buy local and support NM Native artists this holiday season! There'll be 30+ Indigenous artists selling jewerly, paintings, pottery, baked goods, and more! Native Santa will appear at this event! This event is free to the public.  The SFIC will be having a Food Sale. There'll be Fritos pies, hotdogs, chili dogs and more! All food sales benefit the Santa Fe Indigenous Center.
culture food
10/12/2023 Last update

1420 Cerrillos Rd
1420 Cerrillos Road, Santa Fe, 87505, New Mexico, United States

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  3. Santa Fe Indigenous Center Holiday Arts and Craft Bazaar