
31st Annnual Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta Fiesta

31st Annnual Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta Fiesta
Event ended

This is a free community event, all are welcome. There will be food trucks, a car show, a Kids Corner, several community resources sharing resources and information, food trucks, mariachis, the Si Se Puede Awards ceremony, and our Keynote speaker Dolores Huerta! If you would like to walk in La Marcha de Justicia, you are welcome. This is a peaceful march and we encourage you to wear your organizations Tshirts, carry your banners and share info about your cause and your organization. 9am-car show, 10am The March and from 12-3pm the Fiesta. Times are subject to change

Entertainment and featured band: Mala Mana

Views - 14/04/2024 Last update
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National Hispanic Cultural Center
4th Street Southwest 1701, Albuquerque, 87102, New Mexico, United States
none casual
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4th Street Southwest 1701, Albuquerque, 87102, New Mexico, United States
National Hispanic Cultural Center
4th Street Southwest 1701, Albuquerque, 87102, New Mexico, United States
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none casual
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