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HOLIDAY BACH FESTIVAL—Bach's Solo Cello Suites, Part II

Thu 21 December 2023
7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

SANTA FE Pro Musica presentsHOLIDAY BACH FESTIVAL BACH’S SOLO CELLO SUITES, PART II NM Museum of Art | St. Francis Auditorium THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21 at 7:30 PM Tanya Tomkins, cello Cello Suites Nos. 2, 3, and 6 Join us as Baroque cellist extraordinaire Tanya Tomkins kicks off Pro Musica’s celebratory Holiday Bach Festival by performing the complete Bach Cello Suites in two programs on December 20 and 21. NM Museum of Art | St. Francis Auditorium 107 W Palace Ave, Santa Fe, NM 87501 Tickets $33, $58, $75, $98 505.988.4640 |
music concerts festivals classical
22/12/2023 Last update

St. Francis Auditorium
West Palace Avenue 107, Santa Fe, 87501, New Mexico, United States

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  3. HOLIDAY BACH FESTIVAL—Bach's Solo Cello Suites, Part II