
Refuse to be a Victim

Refuse to be a Victim
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Hosted by
Vigilant Firearms Training LLC

The Refuse to be a Victim seminar is a 4 hour crime prevention course which presents a variety of information to help you take a pro-active role in personal safety. From setting up a home defense plan and safe room, to using your internet service provider’s (ISP) parental control options to block access to adult material and adult chat rooms, the Refuse to be a Victim program has information for everyone. An NRA certificate is awarded. This is a classroom seminar with no range or shooting required. Cost is $35. email or call 505-506-6800.

1,013 Views - 09/06/2019 Last update
The Southwest Church
ABQ, New Mexico, United States
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The Southwest Church
ABQ, New Mexico, United States
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  1. Vigilant Firearms Training LLC
  2. Refuse to be a Victim
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