
Sri Amma Bhagwan's Sacred Chambers - Donation based event

Sri Amma Bhagwan's Sacred Chambers - Donation based event
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Meditation/Lecture (Topics Vary Weekly)

Connection to the divine (higher self)

Sri Amma Bhagawan's Sacred Chambers (Connect Directly to the Divine)

Sri Amma Bhagavan Sacred Chambers is a process where you experience Your own Personal Divine in a very physical and tangible way for the purpose of Healing, Awakening, Transformation and/or God-Realization.

This is a new phenomenon that has been released recently where one can walk and talk with his/her own Personal Divine. All over the world people are beginning to meet their personal Divine face to face, experiencing their own God in a very powerful way that is just as physically real to them as having a conversation with their best friend, or a family member. This could happen to you at any time, in any place, most unexpectedly, or you could come to the Sri Amma Bhagavan Sacred Chamber, which was created for this very purpose. A place where the Divine is constantly manifesting itself to those who seek it.

Golden Age Movement or Sacred Chambers is not a religion, not for a group of people. Sacred Chambers are OPEN TO ALL who are seeking and wanting to discover their highest sacred self or God or light or inner peace.

What happens in Sri Amma Bhagavan Sacred Chambers Process:

Lecture Session

This is a group process, where you will be guided for contemplation. You will look deeply into your inner qualities that either connect you or keep you separated from the Divine. The process here will prepare you for the rest of the journey into the chambers.

Entering the Chamber

You will meet your Personal Divine face-to-face. The Divine will manifest to you very powerfully here. You may ask for anything - awakening, transformation, asking the Divine to become physical 24x7 in your life...

Please be clear and specific in terms of your intentions as you will meet Your Divine physically. Things to ask or consider within the Chambers:

  • Healing - Physical or any Emotional healing or any Karma related
  • Liberation from Sufferings
  • Wealth/Financial - Career growth, Job, Business opportunities
  • Spiritual Awakeining, Transformation, Enlightenment and God-Realization. You may want to have a strong intent to have your Divine manifest and take your Divine with you.
  • Grace in your life & in your families life
  • Relationships - Set right or heal relationships
  • Ancestors - Clearing of ancestors
  • Ask the divine to resolve your problems - be specific
  • Abundance in all things in life

Golden Age Movement:

A movement with the goal of bringing the Great Compassionate Light & Enlightenment to the world.

The Sacred Chambers are a short way to Awakening, Transformation, God realization, and sorting out all problems." - Sri Bhagavan


For more info call 718-641-4178 or text 718-772-3280

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