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Speak Torah to Power: Addressing Today's Key Issues Through Jewish Wisdom

Tue 20 February 2018
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

WHAT JEWISH WISDOM IS MOST RELEVANT TO IMPROVING TODAY’S WORLD?  Join Avodah [] in partnership with UJA-Federation of New York [] for SpeakTorahToPower [], a transformational SPEAKER SERIES IN NYC (and everywhere on Facebook Live []), as top JEWISH EDUCATORS FROM AROUND THE COUNTRY EXPLORE THIS QUESTION IN REGARDS TO TODAY'S MOST PRESSING ISSUES.  SPEAKERS DOVE KENT (1/29), Yavilah McCoy (2/20), and Rabbi Rachel Timoner (3/22) will draw upon JEWISH TEXTS, events, and traditions to discuss aspects of JEWISH WISDOM THAT ARE MOST RELEVANT TO IMPROVING TODAY’s world.  Tickets are FREE, but limited seating is available. RSVP at []. Featured SPEAKERS INCLUDE: DOVE KENT BREAKING THE ANTISEMITISM CYCLE THROUGH SOLIDARITY MONDAY, JAN. 29; 7-8PM SYMPHONY SPACE [] (2537 BROADWAY AT 95TH STREET, NYC) YAVILAH MCCOY INTERSECTIONALITY AS A JEWISH PRACTICE TUESDAY, FEB. 20; 7pm SYMPHONY SPACE [] (2537 BROADWAY AT 95TH STREET, NYC) RABBI RACHEL TIMONER RADICAL HUMANITY: INALIENABLE DIGNITY & AMERICAN PUBLIC POLICY THURSDAY, MARCH 22; 7pm SUB://CULTURE [] (45 BLEEKER STREET, NYC) ***The event is FREE, but all guests must register at [] so we may plan for space, food, and accommodations. SPEAK TORAH TO POWER IS PRESENTED BY AVODAH IN PARTNERSHIP WITH UJA-Federation of New York [] Time for Good and Jewish Life in Action.
music concerts culture food courses
21/02/2018 Last update

Leonard Nimoy Thalia at Peter Norton Symphony Space
2537 Broadway, New York, 10025, NY, United States

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Speak Torah to Power: Addressing Today's Key Issues Through Jewish Wisdom

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  2. Avodah
  3. Speak Torah to Power: Addressing Today's Key Issues Through Jewish Wisdom