
Amy-Jill Levine: Jesus and the Jews

Amy-Jill Levine: Jesus and the Jews
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Jesus and the Jews: Why the Connection Matters

Professor Amy-Jill Levine

Thursday, May 7

6:30 PM


If Jesus was a Jew who preached about themes straight out of the Torah, why has his Jewishness been erased?

It’s a question that has framed the life’s work of a Jewish feminist professor at a Christian divinity school who is on a personal quest to teach Christians how Jewish Jesus really was . . . and Jews how much we can learn about our own history from reading the New Testament/Tanakh.

Join Professor Amy-Jill Levine, University Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies, Mary Jane Werthan Professor of Jewish Studies and Professor of New Testament Studies at Vanderbilt Divinity School and College of Arts and Science, for a fascinating reexamination of Judaism, Christianity and how Jesus connects them.

Presented in partnership with Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church with a special introduction by Dr. Scott Black Johnston from Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church and Rabbi Joshua M. Davidson, Senior Rabbi of Temple Emanu-El.


212.507.9580 |

Views - 08/05/2020 Last update
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