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Renwen Lecture: The Men behind the Rise of MET’s Asian Art Department

Sat 11 April 2020
3:00 PM - 11:59 PM

In celebrating the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Renwen Society presents a lecture on the forces that helped make MET’s Asian art collection one of the finest in the world. MET’s Department of Asian Art collection includes notable paintings such as Night-Shining White by Tang Dynasty’s Han Gan, Riverbank by Southern Tang’s Dong Yuan, Finches and Bamboo by Emperor Song Huizong, the Astor Court, an exquisite Chinese Scholar’s Garden, and copious amount of ceramics, bronzeware, jade, and stone carvings. How did the MET Museum acquire these coveted antiques? Many names are Inscribed on the walls of The Department of Asian Art at the MET, one of which is “C. C. Wang” How did this family contribute to the department? What is the connection of Mr. Wango Weng, former President of China Institute, with the MET, and what artworks did he contribute to the museum? The MET Museum started with only an idea, and through generations of hard work, was able to achieve its unparallel scale today. Its acquisitions of Chinese art provide a peek into an aspect of the museum’s history. A former art history lecturer at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, the speaker Chen Rubin is an art history scholar who has written over 400 articles for the art section of the China Press. Free, but advanced registration is requested. 2018年,居住在新罕布什尔的翁万戈先生庆祝百岁寿辰。这一年,翁先生除了为中国上海博物馆捐赠了艺术藏品,还为美国波士顿博物馆捐赠了183件书画藏品,包括王翚的《长江万里图》。翁万戈先生是清代帝师翁同龢的后人,曾任纽约华美协进社社长,也在纽约居住过许多年。翁万戈先生为大都会捐赠过藏品吗? 大都会博物馆亚洲部的墙壁上铭刻着很多名字,大家可能知道有个房间刻着“C. C. Wang Family Collection”,也就是“王己千家族收藏”,王己千究竟为大都会博物馆亚洲部作了哪些贡献? 大都会博物馆亚洲部拥有唐代韩干的《照夜白》、五代董源的《溪岸图》、宋徽宗的《竹禽图》、黄庭坚的草书《廉颇蔺相如列传》,等等许多书画作品,还有巨大的《药师佛》壁画、一座仿真的苏州园林,以及大量的陶瓷、青铜器、玉器及石雕等。这些馆藏作品,只有150岁“年轻”的大都会博物馆,如何有缘获得?是哪些关键人物在背后助力,让大都会成为全球顶级博物馆之一? 创立于1870年的大都会博物馆,今年恰好150周年。大都会博物馆不像巴黎卢浮宫博物馆、伦敦大英博物馆、俄国冬宫博物馆、中国故宫博物院那样,拥有历代皇家的收藏作为基础。大都会博物馆是白手起家,从零开始,历经多少代人的苦心努力,才达到今天的盛大规模。从该馆中国艺术收藏的成长,可以窥见大都会博物馆成长历程的一个方面。 这个讲座,主讲人将和听众一起分享大都会博物馆亚洲部崛起的秘密,特别是艺术作品背后的故事。 主讲人陈儒斌先生,美术史研究者,原中国广州美术学院美术史系讲师,2004年移民来美,长期在纽约大都会博物馆及现代艺术博物馆担任义工,多年来专注纽约博物馆、画廊及纽约艺术展,已为《侨报》撰写每周艺术专栏专版400多期,同时也是“纽约艺术观察”微博及微信公众号作者,微博粉丝逾17万。 活动免费。因座位有限,请预先订位。
12/04/2020 Last update

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  1. New York City
  2. Renwen Lecture: The Men behind the Rise of MET’s Asian Art Department