
Narrating personal experience in essay writing

Narrating personal experience in essay writing
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Hosted by
Alex Miller

It often happens that teachers ask students to share their personal experiences in the form of essay writing. Weaving a truly personal experience in the form of storytelling is an art.

A student thinks about an incident which must be a unique one. He thinks that how I can write essay for me in a brilliant way so that he can score good marks.

Most of the students enjoy themselves while writing this kind of essay. They consider fabricating a real personal experience in the form of a formal essay writing as simple as falling off a log.


Essay writing has different types. However, this type of essay is also referred to as a narrative essay writing. It has a unique significance in improving writing skills and boosting confidence in the student to express their thoughts, ideas, feelings, and emotions impressively.

There are always some students who never feel comfortable not only in compiling a narrative essay but also any other type of writing. As it is a fact that not even a single student cannot avoid himself from writing in their academic career, so they must learn the art of composing text in a stunning way.

  As marking down different types of essays is the last resort for students, they must not take it as a daunting affair. 

When a teacher assigns a writing assignment based on the Narrative type of essay, he expects that students will explain an incident they experienced and how they dealt with it.

A personal experience could be about anything but not vague or uninterested for the readers. It is the utmost responsibility of a student to put down such an incident that must be surprising, unusual, exciting which must have high significance for the readers. All queries related to write my essay are processed fast.

Discussing an inexplicit idea is like wasting the time of a reader.

In a Narrative essay, a student has to explicate the main idea of the incident which he or she shares with the readers. Moreover, taking a firm stand on a particular position is the foremost requirement of writing a presentable essay.

All characters of the specific incident must be defined clearly. Plotting the scene and drawing a vivid picture in such a way that a reader sees the situation in his mind is also mandatory.

A writer must be able to involve sensory details while inscribing the story. Doing so is not as simple as ABC. It demands high standard writing skills and full command of appropriately structuring an essay.  

When a writer puts down his feelings or emotions relevant to the situation, he has to lure the reader’s interest with the help of unique content.

Notably, a neophyte writer has to be very careful while writing an introductory paragraph.

Some students, at their initial stage of writing, make a common mistake of explaining the incident or situation straightaway in the introductory paragraph. All students must avoid mentioning details in this section. Instead, the detailed information must be included in the section of the main body.

Moreover, students must learn the art of sensationalizing the content to allure readers. It doesn’t mean to exaggerate the common situation with an unnecessary explanation.

A writer has to be very specific and to the point while writing this type of essay. Furthermore, some students make a vicious cycle while highlighting their personal experience, especially when it is related to providing a solution to a problem. It is also a lame practice to follow, and every writer shouldn’t follow it. If you’re looking for a professional essay writer than send request at 5Staressays.

There is no doubt that students feel more comfortable to write this type of essay than compiling other kinds of essays. The key to writing a top-notch Narrative essay is to avoid over-explaining the same idea and stay focused on the central point to the topic.

3,331 Views - 26/08/2020 Last update
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