DOOR TIME (venue opens): 6:30 pm SHOW TIME (music starts) : 7:30 pm This event is ALL AGES The Ritz Is A General Admission Standing Room Only Venue All support acts subject to change without notice Box Office Hours: We open 2 hours before door time on any event night through the event. We can sell tickets for any future event we have inventory for. Questions? Call us! (919) 424-1400, Press (1) for Box Office $1.00 per ticket sold goes to the Artists Charity. DOOR TIME (venue opens): 6:30 pm SHOW TIME (music starts) : 7:30 pm This event is ALL AGES The Ritz Is A General Admission Standing Room Only Venue All support acts subject to change without notice Box Office Hours: We open 2 hours before door time on any event night through the event. We can sell tickets for any future event we have inventory for. Questions? Call us! (919) 424-1400, Press (1) for Box Office $1.00 per ticket sold goes to the Artists Charity.