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Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc Receives Proclamations & Celebrates Birthdays!

Sat 16 June 2018
10:00 AM

Special Announcements from SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, Inc.!Mayor Alan Joines has proclaimed June 16, 2018 as SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, Inc.-Alpha Mu SIGMA/Twin City Alumnae Chapter and Dr. Johanna Porter-Kelley Day. North Carolina House of Representatives member, Evelyn Terry will present the proclamation. The Alpha Mu SIGMA IS THE FIRST SIGMA GAMMA RHO ALUMNAE CHAPTER CHARTERED IN THE STATE OF NORTH Carolina. It provides graduate advisors to the undergraduate chapters at Winston Salem State University, Rho Chapter and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Omicron Eta. Dr. Porter-Kelly provided leadership to the chapter for two consecutive terms and fostered a significant increase in its membership. Dr. Porter-Kelly retired from Winston Salem State University as an Associate Professor of Microbiology. Currently, Dr. Porter-Kelly is pursuing her passion for serving others to become a minister. She is completing an advanced degree in Divinity Studies at Wake Forest University School of Divinity. Dr. Porter-Kelly remains an active member of the Winston-Salem Community and an officer in the Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.-Alpha Mu Sigma, Twin City Chapter.  Happy Birthday! Amazing Ladies of AMS/Twin City Chapter for 2nd Quarter! President Dr. Johanna Porter-Kelley, 2nd Vice President Telicia Evil, NPHC-WS/FC V.P. Mae Moore, Sergeant-At-Arms Malaysia Christian, Soror Cassandra Lane, Soror Ashley Singleton, Financial Secretary Dr. Silva Porter-Deal, Tresurer Angela Sowell, Philo Telissa Fair Ward, Philo Michelle Jackson, and Philo Cathie Galloway Morrison! Thank you Friends and Family for Celebrating with us June 10th at Tokyo Japanese Steakhouse & Sushi!
17/06/2018 Last update

Naomi Jones Resource Building
Ladeara Crest Lane 2531, Winston-Salem, 27105, North Carolina, United States

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  1. Winston-Salem
  2. Valerie Smith
  3. Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc Receives Proclamations & Celebrates Birthdays!