There is nothing more empowering than moving your own energy. International Qigong Master Chunyi Lin says, “The moment a person chooses to move their own energy, they awaken the healer within them. Every cell in your body is energy. You are an energy being and you can transform your own energy.”
In Spring Forest Qigong for Health Training you can increase self-awareness, build internal energy and develop a healthy mind, body and spirit. The simple, gentle, energy movement helps you relieve and help heal physical pain, stress, depression and so much more. In Level One, you learn how to put the 4 Keys of Spring Forest Qigong into practice - Union of Heart & Mind, Simple Breathing, Movement and Sound all enhance your health and wellbeing.
Due to chronic pain in her twenties, Spirit received Spring Forest Qigong healing sessions and then began practicing Qigong in 1999. She is a SFQ Certified Trainer and will teach you 7 simple, effective steps to harness healing energy in your body and active exercises you can practice daily for health.