
Beat Anxiety & Stress: Mind-Body-Spirit-Emotion Solutions - West Virginia

Beat Anxiety & Stress: Mind-Body-Spirit-Emotion Solutions - West Virginia
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Small things can make a big difference!

This Webinar Is for you if:

You often feel hopeless, despairing and anger which impairs you completing daily tasks? 

You feel overwhelmed with fear and vulnerable even panicky like you’re fighting for your life?

You feel overwhelmed with fear that everything will turn out badly?

You feel restricted in your ability to work, maintain relationships or like you have to  leave the house?

You suffer a loss of interest and enjoyment in usual activities, lack of energy and difficulty concentrating?

You are having severe appetite changes, headaches or sleep problems. or health disorders — like sweating, shaking heart rate, bowel issues or hyperventilation?

Do you feel like your trapped and you don't have any more room to breath and everything is closing in on you?

You have a sense of constant mental frustration?

You taking serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) like Lexapro, Luvox, Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft, Cymbalta and Effexor; tetracyclic antidepressants including Remeron, Elavil and Sinequan; drugs with unique mechanisms such as Wellbutrin; and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) like Emsam, Nardil and Parnate?

You are in behavioral therapy? Let's face it stress and anxiety aren't sexy and that's no fun!

There are Four Cores of Resilience and Self Care that are foundational to health and well being, no matter what the past might have brought; you can create new memories and traditions, with peace, happiness and joy for a better time right now and a brighter future!

Just Imagine what if life at the door wasn't always full of angry creditors and shaming relatives because your life actually worked!
Imagine a life free of anxiety about money and health problems.
Imagine not having to make excuses for anyone including yourself anymore.
Imagine not having to hide or sweep anything under the rug (figuratively and/or literally) every time you hear the doorbell ring.
Imagine not worrying about where the money is coming from to fix the car, the washing machine, the kids clothes or even their next meal.
Imagine not feeling guilty when you take your next vacation. Or your first vacation since hummmm when was it last???

Imagine feeling sexy and having the physical energy and emotioanl freedom to do something fun again.
What if you could just curl up with a good book or take a nap or a bubble bath and it wasn't just about coming back from the edge of exhaustion but actually moving from slightly stressed to feeling fully rested vital and alive? Just thrilled to be YOU.
Imagine your life living on purpose and contributing back to help others the way you have always really wanted to and making a difference for others. Loving your life.
Well it's all possible, but only if you are ready to claim your life back.

This exciting and revolutionary new medical technology is changing lives and helping thousands find themselves again and get their vitality and vigor back. Life is demanding and It's not your fault but it is your responsibility to do whatever is necessary to be your personal best and invest in yourself first.

Your our of time, feeling good has to be your first priority now. It just has to be. You can't just keep letting life keep leaving you behind. You deserve to feel your best again now!

Join us for this online conference to learn how to make the present and the future bright this year even better! You'll be glad you did.

Call limited to the first 100 attendees!

Topic: Beat Anxiety & Stress: Healthy Mind-Body-Spirit-Emotion Solutions
Time: 05:00 PM Pacific, 06:00 PM Mountain, 07:00 PM Central, 08:00 PM Eastern (US and Canada)
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Views - 22/01/2020 Last update
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