We meet weekly to build personal and PROFESSIONAL RELATIONSHIPS,
expand centers of influence, share gratitudes and invest in our
businesses.Edmond, OK Bold team is hosted by Ben Harris and gathers
Friday for lunch at 11:30 am in Edmond, OK at Alfredo's Mexican Cafe.
Most guests hang out 15 minutes before and may linger after for a
chance to get to know each other on a more personal basis.
If you're coming, please RSVP by selecting "GOING" and then "Get
Tickets." Please consider Liking, Sharing, and invite any others you
believe might appreciate growing their business.
Bold Networking teams meet for professional networking and sales
growth training. Our teammates are typically successful professionals
and business owners that, once upon a time, struggled to get plenty of
high-quality referrals, may have been frustrated by expensive
advertising or poor return on advertising expense or were losing sleep
trying to figure out how to best leverage their time to grow their
Bold Networking believes in the Five Laws of Stratospheric Success:
The Law of Value, Compensation, Influence, Authenticity, and
Receptivity. The more you add value, the more introductions you
receive, and the greater your compensation will be.
We’re NOT a “Tips” group! We share qualified “Referrals”
expecting your call and seek to introduce you in person when possible.
We become your raving fans and ACTIVELY and INTENTIONALLY help you
grow your business, and we become your unpaid, highly-skilled, lead
generation team!
30/01/2021 Last update