Alyssa Danley will be leading a 1-hour dog-friendly yoga session once
a month that will be great for the body and soul! The cost is $15 per
person (your dog gets in free!). Your admission includes a $3 discount
on a Mastiff Mimosa after class! Of course, you and your pup are
welcome to come early or stay late to hang out and play. Guests are
encouraged to bring their own mat. See you
there!___________________________________________ DOG ENTRY
REQUIREMENTS• Must be current on vaccinations (Rabies, DHLPP/Da2PP
and Bordetella)• Must be properly socialized for group play• Must
be at least 12 weeks old• Puppies who are under 25 lbs AND under six
months of age are allowed in the Small Dog Park only, or on one of our
on-leash patios. This is because puppies of that age and size may not
have the experience or physical ability to play safely among large
adult dogs. Once your puppy is over 25lbs or 6 months of age, they are
permitted to play in the All Dog Park.
25/09/2023 Last update