
2022 Juneteenth Marketplace Vendors

2022 Juneteenth Marketplace Vendors
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Juneteenth is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States. Juneteenth is the only holiday that commemorates the abolition of slavery; more specifically the emancipation of enslaved Africans throughout the United States of America. 

Juneteenth Philly, producer of the Philadelphia Juneteenth Parade and Festival, is excited to announce that we are back in 2022, bigger and better! The Juneteenth Vendors Marketplace has traditionally attracted hundreds of black businesses and nonprofits from across Philadelphia and the country, stimulating millions in revenue for the region, and we are excited to bring it back again this year. This year's activities will also feature the Juneteenth Parade and Street Festival.

Before confirming your spot, please note the following:

• Vendors must be set onsite by 9AM. Set up begins at 6AM. Street closures start at 9AM, so arrive early. Festival begins at 10am.

• There will be no reserved parking and no staff available to assist you with your set up. Arrive early, bring a hand cart or dolly, and bring help with you. A site map will be emailed to you prior to the event.

• Must have valid Philadelphia Commercial Activity License to sell anything. Department of Licenses and Inspections will be onsite and you will be at risk of fines or being shut down without proper licensing. Click here for more information.

• Vendors must bring ALL of their own equipment including tents, chairs and tables. No electrical outlets will be available. Only food vendors with a food vendor ticket are permitted to bring a generator.

• Generators will NOT be permitted if you do not have a food vendor ticket.

• Discounts are provided for nonprofit and community organizations that wish to table and provide resources only. Please email for a discount code.

3,243 Views - 20/06/2022 Last update
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