
EndTime Seminar

EndTime Seminar
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Five years ago, we commissioned a national Barna OmniPoll that discovered 77% of Evangelicals…believe we’re now living in the end times as described in the Bible. But, how can we really know? Don’t miss the most comprehensive, in-depth, prophetic end-time seminar anywhere. You’ll be amazed at just how much information God’s word provides. Get your questions answered.

Beginning Saturday morning, May 11 at Christ Church at Grove Farm in Fellowship Hall, this end-time seminar runs for three successive Saturday mornings: May 11, 18, 25. To learn more, go to and sign up through Eventbrite. Again, don’t miss this great end-time seminar starting Saturday morning, May 11. Tickets also available at the door. Scholarships will be available, too. Learn more than you ever thought possible!

Views - 12/05/2019 Last update
Christ Church At Grove Farm
249 Duff Road, Sewickley, 15143, PA, United States
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249 Duff Road, Sewickley, 15143, PA, United States
Christ Church At Grove Farm
249 Duff Road, Sewickley, 15143, PA, United States
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