
Leap Into Spring Fling

Leap Into Spring Fling
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The arts are blooming in Jenkintown!  Celebrate with us during a special afternoon of family fun at Jenkintown Dance Arts.  Dance performances, an egg hunt, a visit from the Easter Bunny, spring crafts, live music, and some Jenkintown Dance Alongs.  BYO basket to collect your eggs, and enjoy the afternoon with your family & community.

Whats Included with Your Ticket?

Fun for the whole family at Leap into Spring.  
1 Egg hunt with lots of candy and many golden eggs with tickets for larger prizes.  The Egg Hunt begins promptly at 2:10 pm.
Visit with the Easter Bunny from 3:00 - 4:00 pm
1 Spring Themed Craft per child
Moon Bounce for younger children
Live Music with Cara Cartney
Dance perfromances by JDA's Youth Company & friends!
Jenkintown Dance Alongs with Miss Chrissie & Miss Stephanie

Tickets for additional games and prizes are available for purchase at the event. The Egg Hunt begins promptly at 2:10 pm.  The Easter Bunny arrives at 3:00 pm.

Learn more about this year's musical guest Cara CartneyKnown for her deep, often sultry, and emotional voice Cara Cartney can move you with a classic crooning ballad or make you sing and dance while playing modern hip-hop, all the while making the songs innately hers.

922 Views - 02/04/2023 Last update
york rd 459
jenkintown dance arts, jenkintown, 19046, pa, usa
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york rd 459
jenkintown dance arts, jenkintown, 19046, pa, usa
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