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It’s a Jungle Out There, Jungle Book & Honk, Jr

Sat 22 February 2020
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

CaPAA Kidz, Playhouse and Jr. Players Divisions present… It’s a Jungle Out There, Jungle Book, Kids & Honk, Jr Friday Feb. 21, 2020 6:30pm Jungle Book, Kids (Cast A), & Honk, Jr (Cast A) Sunday, Feb, 23, 2020 4pm It’s a Jungle Out There, Jungle Book, Kids (Cast B), & Honk, Jr (Cast B) + Google Calendar + iCal Export
23/02/2020 Last update

The Ritz Theater
222 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, 18503, PA, United States

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It’s a Jungle Out There, Jungle Book & Honk, Jr

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  2. It’s a Jungle Out There, Jungle Book & Honk, Jr