
Clean Water Happy Hour

Clean Water Happy Hour
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Join Trout Unlimited and National Parks Conservation Association for a free happy hour at Victory Brewing Company on February 28 from 6-8 pm. Finger foods will be provided and your first beer is on us!

To RSVP, follow this link.

The EPA and Army Corps of Engineers have proposed a revision of the federal Clean Water Rule that will greatly weaken protections for our headwater streams and wetlands. Trout Unlimited and our partners are fighting back against this proposed rule in the name of clean water for fishing, drinking, and recreation. Please join us to learn about ways you can get involved locally, and nationally, to defend our right to clean water.

Views - 01/03/2019 Last update
food happy hour education
Victory Brewing Company
Acorn Lane 420, Downingtown, 19335, Pennsylvania, United States
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Acorn Lane 420, Downingtown, 19335, Pennsylvania, United States
Victory Brewing Company
Acorn Lane 420, Downingtown, 19335, Pennsylvania, United States
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  2. Clean Water Happy Hour
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