
Addressing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice in Learning Environments

Addressing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice in Learning Environments
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As stated by scholar OConner (2017), "Despite altruistic motives and a desire by university faculty to create inclusive learning environments in health sciences education, students from marginalized groups often report experiences of distress from microaggressions, bias, and/or exclusion in educational settings."  To address this issue, the presentation will explore diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice in the learning environment through the lens of implicit bias.  Strategies to address implicit bias will also be provided. 

This CHS Wellness Workshop features Dr. Josepha Campinha-Bacote, the President and Founder of Transcultural C.A.R.E. Associates, a private consultation service which focuses on clinical, administrative, research, and educational issues in transcultural health care and mental health. She has developed a conceptual model, The Process of Cultural Competemility in The Delivery of Healthcare Services, which several colleges of nursing, pharmacy, physical therapy, dentistry, social work, medicine and other allied healthcare disciplines are incorporating into their undergraduate and graduate programs. Dr. Campinha-Bacote has been the recipient of several national and international honors and awards and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing.

Behavioral Objectives: By the completion of the presentation, the learner will be able to:1. Describe the importance of addressing diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice (DEISJ) in learning environments.2. Articulate the 6 constructs of Campinha-Bacotes model to maintain DEISJ in learning environments.3. Analyze the concept of implicit bias.4. Identify at least 4 strategies to address implicit bias and microaggressions in learning environments to maintain DEISJ.

Views - 20/04/2022 Last update
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