
Cranston Historical Society: Cranston Historic Cemetery Commission & special guest speaker, hand stone carver Karin Sprague

Cranston Historical Society: Cranston Historic Cemetery Commission & special guest speaker, hand stone carver Karin Sprague
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    Cranston Historical Society invites you to attend their open May 15 meeting at 7pm, at the Governor Sprague Mansion Museum.   A special event hosted by The Cranston Historic Cemetery Commission -- Members will present an informative talk about CHCC and share their mission and projects at historic cemeteries in Cranston. 

    Guest speaker:  Karin Sprague, RI Stone Carver -- The Art of Remembering.   Karin Sprague and her talented team compassionately design and hand carve   monuments for families. Her work is in cemeteries across the United States & Ireland.

     Ms. Sprague is a mother of three and lives in a stone cottage surrounded by beautiful gardens in Scituate RI. Her studio is tucked into the woods close by. Karin Sprague Stone Carvers,   Inc. is one of a dozen remaining stone carvers in the U.S., continuing in the rich  tradition of memorial and gravestone carvings by hand. Their works include tombstones, sculptures, monuments, memorials, celebration stones – carving meaningful designs of  remembrance, working from hand drawn letters, symbols and sculptures using time-honored tools of various mallets and chisels.

Views - 16/05/2018 Last update
Governor Sprague Mansion
Cranston Street 1351, Cranston, 2920, Rhode Island, United States
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Cranston Street 1351, Cranston, 2920, Rhode Island, United States
Governor Sprague Mansion
Cranston Street 1351, Cranston, 2920, Rhode Island, United States
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  1. Mary Mierka
  2. Cranston Historical Society: Cranston Historic Cemetery Commission & special guest speaker, hand stone carver Karin Sprague
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