Sometimes people just want to explore the world of cheese without investing too many dollars in equipment. A "Cave"-generallly a beverage or wine refrigerator used to age cheese is one of those items that some might want to delay spending money on until their cheese hobby becomes a full fledge habit. Soooo, here's the workshop for you. Each of these four cheeses can be made with high quality store bought milk and just require general refrigeration.
First up is Feta. Not only does our recipe make a full jar of feta that keeps in a brine solution for months, it is super tasty. Next up is Squeaky Curds-the darling of the midwest cheese scene and perfect for football Sundays. Then it's Boursin-a lemony, garlicky herbal spread that is a crackers best friend. Last but not least is Fromage Blanc-a really rich cream cheese that puts store bought versions to shame.
This workshop is designed for the curious foodie beginning their cheese making journey. Price of instruction includes hands on instruction, detailed recipes, refreshments and lunch. We are located on the beautiful Cumberland Plateau within a 90 minute drive of Nashville, Knoxville and Chattanooga.