Coming soon!!! Becky Dvorak is an author and prophetic healing
evangelist who travels the world equipping the Body of Christ!!
Friday, Feb 7, 2020 7-9pm---registration is free! Please register because seating is limited!!
---Please sign up for Saturday, Feb 8 on the separate eventbrite page. Saturday, Feb 8, 10am-12pm, 2-4pm, 7-9pm --- $20 registration fee for Saturday
Claim the miraculous power that Jesus gave his disciples. Learn and experience divine healing. Becky Dvorak equips the body of Christ to believe in, activate, and experience the supernatural demonstration of Jesus’ healing power. Becky Dvorak is the author of 4 books!! Her latest book, to be released in Nov, 2019, is called: "Conquering the Spirit of Death". Becky, along with her husband, David, has been a full time missionary to Guatemala since 1994. They are founders of Healing and MIracles International and Life Tender Mercy Home (a private Christian home for children that are abandoned, orphaned and or born with HIV.) They have recently moved to AZ, where she continues her worldwide ministry.