
Dune Boogie IPA Can Release

Dune Boogie IPA Can Release
Event ended

Join us Saturday, July 27th, for the can release of our brand new Dune Boogie IPA - 7.0% ABV!
This fresh new IPA will showoff fun techniques from some of our latest collaborations, while staying true to our PHP brewing style. We decided upon a hop build of Azacca, Comet, Cashmere, Mosaic Powder, and Sabro hops accompanied by the A-38 yeast strain (last used in Emilio TIPA.) Early sensory is showing massive notes of pineapple, mango, and melon making for one wildly tropical IPA.
We will have 4-packs starting at $20.
Stay tuned for more details on this exciting can release!

212 Views - 28/07/2019 Last update
Pinthouse Pizza Brewpub
Austin, 78756, TX, USA
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Austin, 78756, TX, USA
Pinthouse Pizza Brewpub
Austin, 78756, TX, USA
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  1. Dune Boogie IPA Can Release
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