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Common Sense Functional Medicine

Sat 13 April 2019
8:30 AM - 5:30 PM

Unfortunately, many alternative and holistic practitioners believe that in order to correctly practice “FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE” that they must employ extensive, AND OFTEN VERY COSTLY, lab work on every patient.  And while standard and specialized labs can be an invaluable tool, they are often overused and in many cases, do not help the practitioner in getting to the true root cause of the patient's health challenges.  Determining and addressing the true underlying root cause of the issue is the REAL meaning of true FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE.  Of course, sometimes specialized labs should be high on your diagnostic priority list, but quite OFTEN ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS, MAKING KEEN CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS, AND UTILIZING IN-OFFICE DIAGNOSTICS can provide a very solid starting point and not drain the patient’s wallet in the process. Please consider joining us for an information-packed day where three of the area’s top functional medicine practitioners will cover several common health challenges as seen from a “Common Sense” Functional medicine perspective. TOPICS TO BE COVERED: • Baseline Metabolic function  • HPA axis function • Cardio Metabolic – Glucose, lipids and Metabolic Syndrome • GI issues – Digestion and pathogens EACH NO-NONSENSE 2-HOUR SECTION IS DESIGNED TO GIVE YOU: • A look at the driving underlying physiological factors behind the condition. • The questions and observations to make before ordering labs. • In office diagnostics that may be used • What labs to order and how to interpret them from a “common sense” functional perspective. • Protocols and interventions that will get results.
14/04/2019 Last update

Hilton Garden Inn Houston NW/Willowbrook
7979 Willow Chase Boulevard, Houston, 77070, TX, United States

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  1. Standard Process South
  2. Common Sense Functional Medicine