
Blooms & Balloons Dallas , Texas

Blooms & Balloons Dallas , Texas
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Full Blooms and Balloons Workshop (in person)

Limited space available to 20 people.  

This is a full workshop, starting from basics (balloon brands, sizes, preferred brands, where to get them). How to price your work, 

Garland construction using my technique.

Balloon wall construction

Ceiling installation 

Double stuffing balloon technique

Introduction to fresh floral and silk floral

And many more tricks revealed.  

This will be a very hands on workshop, bring your own machine! (Not necessary) Floral and Balloons will be provided. A 30 min break will be provided in between. You will only need this workshop once in your life to get out there and become a successful balloon artist.

Views - 21/06/2020 Last update
dallas, dallas, 75219, tx, usa
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