If Scrooge Was a Brother Presented By: Jubilee Theatre Dates:
12/20/2019, 12/21/2019 Location: Jubilee Theatre Address: 506 Main
Street, Fort Worth, TX 76102-3925 Phone: (817) 338-4411 Time: 8:00 PM
to 10:30 PM Price: $28 - $35 Email Visit Website Overview It’s
Christmas Eve and Eb Scroo is seeking to snuff out the season’s
cheer by demanding all debts owed him be satisfied before nightfall.
Facing imprisonment, a Christmas without presents and a feast, the
residents are desperate. In this urban spin of Dickens’ A Christmas
Carol, the ghosts and characters are icons of Black culture performing
holiday songs with a modern twist.
24/01/2020 Last update