
Parent Café Training _Presented by ECS Tarrant County- Fort Worth

Parent Café Training _Presented by ECS Tarrant County- Fort Worth
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Event ended


August 5th-6th : 9:00am. to 4:30pm

(please note fidelity requires attendance both full days)


MHMR, 3800 Hulen Suite 230

Training Room B, Fort Worth, TX 76107

Registration Consist of:

Breakfast, a Parent Café Manual, and a Café in the Box for each team.


$61 for materials per person for those serving families inside Tarrant County

$280 per person if serving families outside Tarrant County.

Must serve families with children 6 years old and younger.

A minimum of 2 people per team is required.

Breakfast and Snacks will be provided both days.

Contact Arrenia Thomas: or 682-444-9824

Payment by credit card: Please call

(817) 569-5315

Payment by check: Make checks payable to MHMR of Tarrant Co.

Attn: Kelly Creamier

MHMR Tarrant Co. Early Childhood Services

3840 Hulen St., Ste 100 Fort Worth TX., 76107

374 Views - 07/08/2021 Last update
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