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Doc Wilkes House of Horrors (Krampus Haunted Christmas Experience)

Sat 16 December 2023
6:30 PM - 11:00 PM

This Christmas Season Doc Wilkes is bringing you KRAMPUS a Haunted Christimas Experience!!  Doc's House has been taken over by evil elf's... and we aren't talking about the one that sits on the shelf in your home and reports back to Santa if you've been good or bad... Krampus already knows if you've been good or bad... So will you make it out alive or be captured by KRAMPUS!?!?! Bring a friend! Bring a group! You definitely don't want to miss this special ONE NIGHT event!!! ALSO... In the front room of our NEW ATTRACTION (RINGMASTER MADNESS) We have set up a photo opportunity with SANTA... Or if you'd rather KRAMPUS we can arrange that too!! (Ringmaster Madness WILL NOT BE OPEN FOR THIS EVENT) ALSO... We will have hot chocolate and a Christmas movie playing in the outdoor theater. THIS EVENT ISN'T ALL SCARY! We encourage families to come out and have fun together and do something DIFFERENT for the holiday season!!   DOC WILKES HOUSE OF HORRORS WILL BE OPEN SATURDAY DECEMBER 16TH  6:30pm-11pm General Admission - $20  VIP Fast Pass - $25 This is a ONE NIGHT event & tickets are LIMITED!!!
17/12/2023 Last update

Doc Wilkes House of Horrors
1228 Market St., Longview, 75604, TX, USA

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  1. Longview
  2. Doc Wilkes House of Horrors (Krampus Haunted Christmas Experience)