Description STAGE 3: 3 - Water Stamina: In this class, children focus
on swimming longer distances. In the event of falling into a body of
water, children learn how to swim to safety. Qualifications: (1) able
to float on front & back unassisted, (2) able to push off the wall on
stomach with face submerged for 10 feet unassisted, (3) able to
Swim-Float-Swim 15 feet unassisted, (4) able to jump into deep water
and return to the wall unassisted. Swim Basics: Students learn
personal water safety and achieve basic swimming competency by
learning two benchmark skills: - Swim, float, swim—sequencing front
glide, roll, back float, roll, front glide, and exit - Jump, push,
turn, grab STAGE 4: 4 - Stroke Introduction: Students in this class
will develop stroke technique in front crawl and back crawl and learn
the breaststroke kick and butterfly kick. Water safety is reinforced
through treading water and elementary backstroke. Qualifications: (1)
able to submerge & retrieve an object in chest deep water, (2) able to
swim front crawl 15 yards while taking a breath, (3) able to
Swim-Float-Swim 15 yards, (4) able to jump in & tread water for 30
seconds (5) able to swim to wall & exit. MAKE-UP POLICY: For each
session of lessons, we will only conduct make-up lessons due to
facility cancellations, not personal absence. There are no refunds
given for the current session after the first lesson. Activity Age
Category Youth Location DS Front Desk at Davis-Scott Family YMCA
02/02/2025 Last update