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5K Mamas Fun Run

From Tue 17 March 2020 to Sun 10 May 2020
2:01 PM - 9:30 AM

We are hosting our second annual family fun 5K benefiting mother's in need and promoting healthy pregnancies! Lace up those shoes, pack up the kids and husband, pull out your strollers, get your dog leashes, and let's RUN!! 9 Months of 5K is all about health, fitness and nutrition! We are all about supporting health and wellness through physical activity throughout pregnancy. We could not be more excited to host our 2nd Mother's Day Family Fun Run. It is an amazing, family friendly event with a purpose. 100% of the race profits will go towards our Pregnancy House Project to provide housing and resources for financially disparaged first time pregnant moms.   There will be mini massages, stretching, post race warm up, finishers medal, flowers for moms at the finish, breakfast, bounce houses and face painting for the kids. Go ahead sign up! Bring your kids, strollers, husbands and pets and let's have a GREAT time! 
11/05/2020 Last update

5225 Calhoun Rd, Houston, 77021, TX, US

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  2. 5K Mamas Fun Run