
Bankersmith's Christmas Market in Fredericksburg

Bankersmith's Christmas Market in Fredericksburg
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Its almost time for our Christmas Market! We will have Live Music, Great Food, Cold Drinks and so much more! You MUST purchase your parking pass in advance. We are EXTREMELY LIMITED on parking! To ensure we have enough parking, you MUST PRE-PURCHASE your PARKING PASS. Make sure you purchase your parking pass in advance to ensure the convenience of your registration process and to GUARANTEE your ADMISSION. ALSO IMPORTANT, Make sure that you PRINT out your tickets in ADVANCE, you will not have signal out in the country!

BREAKING NEWS: Santa and his reindeer will also be at the event - straight from the North Pole! Santa and his elves, and all of us are looking forward to seeing yall! We have something for everyone planned this weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday)! Our Christmas Market featuring dozens of vendors, a live camel named Davie, Christmas Reindeer, Jerusalem Donkeys and a nativity scene will get you in the spirit of Christmas.We will be communicating all the logistics and any changes on Facebook, so keep an eye out on our Social Media pages!

MOST IMPORTANT UPDATE OF THE DAY:Get your wristbands THIS Wednesday & Thursday leading to the event without waiting in line! Come pre-register between 5PM and 7PM on Wednesday/Thursday at Bankersmith Texas for the event! Make sure that you PRINT out your tickets, you will not have signal out in the country! Get your wristbands so you do NOT have to wait in LONG lines during the event! Live music, drinks and food plus all our furry and feathered farm friends will be on hand to greet you on Wednesday & Thursday!

332 Views - 14/12/2020 Last update
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