
New Year New You Weekly Hike

New Year New You Weekly Hike
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It s a new year 2022. Let s get it started on the right track with a 2 - 4 mi hike/ walk. We will start at a moderate pace and work our way around the lake.

Whether it s to lose weight, stay healthy or build your endurance, hiking/ walking is a great way to keep the body and mind active.

As we progress we will challenge ourselves with different trails and terrains.

Looking forward to a new year & new you.

790 Views - 30/01/2022 Last update
Oak Point Park & Nature Preserve
Oak Point Park & Nature Preserve, Plano, 75074, Te, US
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Oak Point Park & Nature Preserve, Plano, 75074, Te, US
Oak Point Park & Nature Preserve
Oak Point Park & Nature Preserve, Plano, 75074, Te, US
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