
Bourbon and BBQ Drive Thru Parking Lot Event

Bourbon and BBQ Drive Thru Parking Lot Event
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Herman Marshall and Intrinsic Smokehouse Brewery + BBQ will be hosting a drive thru Bourbon and BBQ Event. We will be setup in the distillery parking lot with Whiskey, Hand Sanitizer and Merchandise for purchase. Intrinsic BBQ will be on-site offering the finest BBQ. Distiller, Russel Louis, will also be available for bottle signing and any questions you may have regarding whiskey distilling. We hope to see you there!

Thank you for signing up to attend Herman Marshall's drive thru Bourbon and BBQ event.

For faster service, please pre-order your Whiskey and BBQ through the links below.

Herman Marshall Whiskey


Views - 23/05/2020 Last update
803 Shepherd Dr
803 Shepherd Drive, Garland, 75042, TX, US
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803 Shepherd Dr
803 Shepherd Drive, Garland, 75042, TX, US
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