
Williamson County Republican Party's 2021 Reagan Gala

Williamson County Republican Party's 2021 Reagan Gala
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Texas Governor Greg Abbott

Named Best Governor in the Nation in 2020, Governor Greg Abbott continues to build on his record as a strong conservative leader who fights to preserve Texas values and ensure the Lone Star State remains the best place to raise a family, build a business, and create greater opportunity for all.

Michael Knowles is the celebrated host of The Michael Knowles Show at the Daily Wire, The Book Club at PragerU, and Verdict with Ted Cruz. In 2017, Michael published the #1 national bestselling treatise Reasons to Vote for Democrats, which President Donald Trump hailed as a great book for your reading enjoyment. In late 2020, after an appearance guest-hosting The Rush Limbaugh Program, it was announced that Michaels daily podcast would be syndicated to terrestrial radio.

Michael has appeared regularly on Fox News Channel and other major networks, and his writing has been featured on the Daily Wire, the American Mind, Fox News, and the Daily Caller. Michael is a graduate of Yale University and has lectured on college campuses around the country.



Keynote Speaker:

Michael Knowles, The Daily WireProceeds from this event will be used to fund local activities within Williamson County. TICKETS ARE NONREFUNDABLE and will be considered a donation to WCRP in the event individual or sponsor will be unable to attend.

Dress Attire: Dressy Business and Cocktail

For More Information and Table SPONSORSHIP :

Cindy Carrillo (936) 205-6718 or Nita Davidson (512) 635-6482


WCRP, P.O. Box 393, Round Rock, TX 78680

Individual, corporate and/or PAC money may be accepted by the Williamson County Republican Party. Contact: Chairman Steve Armbruster at or (512) 264-4327.

Preparations are underway for our Williamson County Republican Partys annual fundraiser -- the 2021 Reagan Gala! This years Gala will be held at the beautiful and new Kalahari Resort & Convention Center in Round Rock, Texas.

With Williamson County leading the way as one of the fastest growing counties in the great State of Texas and the U.S, our elected officials depend on us for boots on the ground working together to Get Out the Vote and to #KeepTexasRed!

Join us for an evening of inspiration, recognition and fellowship as Republicans from Williamson County, the Austin Area and around the State of Texas come together for at night at the Kalahari.

Venue: Kalahari Conference Center & Resort, 3001 Kalahari Blvd, Round Rock, TX 7866

Date: Friday, June 18, 2021

  • Registration Opens: 5:00 p.m.
  • VIP Reception: 5:45-6:45 p.m.
  • Silent Auction: 5:30-7:30 p.m.
  • Dinner & Program: 7:00-9:00 p.m.

31 Views - 19/06/2021 Last update
Kalahari Resorts Texas
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