Are you ready to explore WHO you are, as an essential / energetic BEING?
Join us each month, as we explore the subtle energies of the doshas and the chakra system, and explore ways to bring greater balance to your mind, body and spirit.
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
LOCATION: Aveda store
The Shops at La Cantera
15900 La Cantera Pkwy #6620, S.A., TX 78256
IMAGE CREDIT: Opposites / Photography by Wavepower, Model freespirit, Makeup by freespirit, Taken at Natural Light Spaces
Each month, we will be discussing new concepts from the Chakras and the Doshas ~ bringing ancient wisdom from yoga, ayurveda, and aromatherpy, and discussing how we can apply these perennial truths to our modern-day lifestyles.
* * * Get ready to be wowed by your free GOODY BAG * * *
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* * * Pre-register and receive a free Chakra Self-Assessment * * *
Come explore the energy that flows within you, through the chakras and doshas, we can gain a better understanding how to re-balance, get grounded and tap into our super powers!
We hope you can join us!
Maggie Grueskin, E-RYT200®, YACEP®
Lifestyle Educator & Speaker