
Traveler's Circle

Traveler's Circle
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Hosted by
Montpelier Performing Arts Hub

The Traveler's Circle (tc), founded in 1996 by Montpelier author Mark Laxer. It's a fun, informal way to get storytelling experience and to learn about the larger world. Here's how it works. It's like jamming. Someone starts by telling a story and that story sparks another story--and another--and before you know it, mostly everyone has shared a story, as the theme through the evening evolves. No fact checking. Peace Corps Beer Scholarships available. For details contact Mark, a passionate supporter of the Hub, at

Next tc potluck at the Hub: March 29, 6:00-9:00 pm

166 Views - 18/02/2025 Last update
Montpelier Performing Arts Hub
35 College Street, Montpelier, 05602, Vermont, United States
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Montpelier Performing Arts Hub
35 College Street, Montpelier, 05602, Vermont, United States

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  1. Montpelier Performing Arts Hub
  2. Traveler's Circle
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