
Pentecost Vigil Mass - Saturday, 5:15pm

Pentecost Vigil Mass - Saturday, 5:15pm
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Join us as we celebrate Pentecost Sunday with our first public Masses since Lent! Your friars, parish staff, and volunteers are working hard to make sure this is a blessed and safe experience.
Before selecting your reservations, please consider the following safety measures:

- Please plan to arrive 30 minutes prior to the start of Mass. No one will be seated after Mass begins.
- Masks must be worn by all parishioners 3 years and older
- Once seated by an usher, you are asked to remain in your seat until Communion, and again until you are dismissed after the final blessing. If you are unable to remain seated for 90 minutes, please consider participating via the live stream.
- If you are over 60, immunocomprimised, or otherwise vulerable, please consider participating via the live stream.

Finally, resuming public Masses will be a huge undertaking that will require many hands. If you are between the ages of 18 and 59, please consider volunteering to help your community rise to the challenge. This is a heavy cross, but there are many of us. We can carry it together. To volunteer, please email

232 Views - 18/07/2020 Last update
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