We are excited to host the Allyn Days Festival. Enjoy the family activities, a vendor area for shopping, a beer garden, and live music. The Allyn Community Association pulls out all the stops for this action-packed weekend of fun on the Case Inlet in Allyn. Adventurers and Seafood fans gather to enjoy the Mud run, legendary alder-smoked salmon dinner, a vendor area for shopping, a beer garden, live music and dancing, children activities and shellfish delicacies galore. Oyster Shucking Competition! Just four miles south of Belfair on Highway 3, Allyn is one of the Puget Sound's best keep secrets. Whether kayaking, fishing, enjoying local dining establishments, or teeing off at Lakeland Village Golf Course, Allyn is a place for adventurers and families. Note: Please view the current list of attendees prior to registering as a vendor. The ACA will not be responsible for vendors who register with similar type products and brands. FAQs What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from the event? Limited vendor parking will be available at the Port of Allyn lower level parking lot, for both non-handicapped and handicapped vendors, on a first come, first served basis for $10 daily. Additional parking will be available off of E. Lakeland Drive then right on Wheelwright Street where indicated, for both non-handicapped and handicapped vendors. Shuttle busses will be operational both Saturday and Sunday from approximately 8:00 am until 7:00 pm. All handicapped vendors must note on their application of their status and they will be allowed to park in the handicapped vendor area next to the Shuttle stop. How can I contact the organizer with any questions? Please contact Jason Ilarraza, Vendor Coordinator: jasoni@windermere.com What's the refund policy? Refunds will not be processed after July 13th. A $10 cancelation fee will apply. Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? Please bring your printed vendor booth and parking ticket to the event. Is my registration fee or ticket transferrable? Tickets are not transferable. Vendors as of Feb 21, 2023 N?ame : Email: Product/Service JACKIE YOUNG BJYoung9443@aol.com Paintings Maureen Eaquinta Tupperme1102@gmail.com Tupperware Harriet Walton hatwalt@yahoo.com Hair Accessories, hand made scarves, handmade zipper, bags, puzzles Gaylyn Williams gaylyn2@msn.com Shave Ice/ Funnel Cakes/Lemonades DAVID PAULI WIRES007@GMAIL.COM Cartoon books, homemade crafts made from recycled paint Dawn Kerkes dawnkerkes@gmail.com Metal art Pertti Laine laineswoodcreations@gmail.com custom wood Art Samuel Karanjah creativeaarts@gmail.com Handcrafted items e.g salad bowls, spoons, fruit basket, sisal bags, hats, flutes, letter openers. Christine A Forsdal jlcaforsdal@msn.com jewelry-handmade Carol Bua carolbua1@gmail.com Macrame, silver rings, and paintings inspired by nature and scenes from Harstine Island. Cheryl White cherylhsi@yahoo.com Shave ice, lemonade, cotton candy Larry King LarryRKing@aol.com Political Tessa Ashley hcfreezedry@gmail.com Freeze dried candy, ice cream, and specialty sweets Sandra Herrera ibead2@gmail.com Fabric Art and glass and silver jewelry Tomomi Bennett tomodundun@gmail.com resin art, accessories, home decor HALINA BOJARSKI HBOJARSKI@GMAIL.COM Jewelry Kimberly Behrens essentialhopes@gmail.com soap, bath bombs, shower melts, body scrubs, lotion bars, beard oil, makeup remover wipes, lip balm, bath salts, candles Charles Rhodes charliesvision.org@gmail.com Non-Profit supports local law enforcement