
Fancy Pedis for 6 at Organic Nail Spa in Olympia! Followed by an Early Dinner...

Fancy Pedis for 6 at Organic Nail Spa in Olympia! Followed by an Early Dinner...
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Pedicure Fun for 6 Fabulous Boomer Babes!

Tuesday, May 2nd at 4:00 p.m., Organic Nail Spa - 1115 Black Lake Boulevard SW, Olympia, WA.  Free parking out front.

Let's gang up and head for Organic Nail Spa in Olympia. We'll get our nails painted pretty (a reservation for 6 chairs has been made) and pretty much take over the pedicure section of the salon for an hour.

Bring your happy self, your favorite beverage and enjoy a lovely pedi and the company of your Babe friends...or make a new friend!  

Dinner Afterwards: We'll enjoy an early dinner afterwards, just down the road, location to be decided.

RSVP only if you mean it!

Note:  If you make a reservation and can't attend, cancel your RSVP as soon as possible. If this event is full, please join the wait list.  If this event is popular, we'll schedule a 2nd 'edition!'

More Info on Organic Nail Spa & pricing:

** The location of our pedicures has changed because of challenges with the first Salon.  It's hard finding a place in Olympia where we can get services for 6, all at the same time.  Searching for a cheap eats dinner place close to this pedi place...more to come!

172 Views - 15/12/2018 Last update
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Organic Nail Spa
1115 Black Lake Boulevard Southwest, Olympia, UN
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1115 Black Lake Boulevard Southwest, Olympia, UN
Organic Nail Spa
1115 Black Lake Boulevard Southwest, Olympia, UN
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  1. Fancy Pedis for 6 at Organic Nail Spa in Olympia! Followed by an Early Dinner...
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