This special class will cover the Antique Dutch Black Finish, oil
gilding, and a Special overview in creating the Early American Black
over Red Finish, an extraordinary opportunity and a must for Custom
Picture Framers! Class includes a 14x18 joined raw wood frame and all
materials and use of studio tools. There is one Dutch Black Finish
class scheduled for 2020, from June 10-13 in Seattle in a small class
setting so early registration is recommended. We'll be going through
each step of the antique dutch black finish for picture frames as well
as a full guided demo for the Early American Black over Red Finish,
from mixing the custom blended caseins, lampblack pigment, and
preparation of deep ruby shellac to applying the materials and
handrubbing the final coat with a series of pumice and various steel
wools. In the end you'll oil gild the lip of your personal frame
project to take home in genuine silver leaf, toned to blend
beautifully with this classic finish over the course of 4
days.(Cancellation Policy: If student cancels class a full tuition
credit, which does not expire and of same or equal value, will be
provided for any available future class and any location. Full tuition
refund if instructor cancels class (student airfare not included;
airfare insurance recommended).
14/06/2020 Last update