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The Interstitium: A Space for Stories of Health, Illness, Wellness, and Beyond

Sun 1 March 2020
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Please join US for the Northwest Narrative Medicine Collaborative's fourth SEATTLE Storytelling event. We invite you to tell a medicine/HEALTH-related story on the theme “OUT OF MY SCOPE.” Your story can be funny, serious, heartfelt, absurd, lyrical, etc.  It can be expressed as a narrative, poem, song, or any genre of your liking. We are seeking story-tellers and story-appreciators, as we gather together to build a narrative medicine community. Story guidelines: * 7 minutes or less * you may read from a written story, or tell a story extemporaneously * please maintain patient/people privacy and don't use actual names unless you have permission * story content can range from serious to funny to absurd to dramatic * the event will not be recorded * the event will not be judged In an effort to include new voices and forms of expression, we will be curating the stories for this event. We would like to open the venue to caretakers, patients, students, as well as all types of healthcare providers.  If you would like be a Storyteller, please email both and by February 14th.  Please provide:--your name--a brief description of your story--form of expression (narrative, poem, spoken word, theatrical scene etc) If you are selected as a Storyteller, we will issue you one of 8 free storyteller tickets. If you are not a Storyteller, general admission tickets cost $15. We reserve the right to curate the event to preserve an emotionally safe environment for all.   DOORS OPEN AT 5:30; Storytelling from 6:00-8:00pm.
02/03/2020 Last update

Shafer Baillie Mansion Bed & Breakfast
907 14th Avenue East, Seattle, 98112, WA, US

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  1. Seattle
  2. The Interstitium: A Space for Stories of Health, Illness, Wellness, and Beyond