
Co-Ed Soccer K- 1st Grade - Shoreline, WA 2021

Co-Ed Soccer K- 1st Grade - Shoreline, WA 2021
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For soccer, our main goals with beginners and younger students (K, 1st and 2nd) are to offer a positive first team experience and a good feel for some of the fundamentals of the sport: kicking, passing and a little dribbling. As students progress, the number of players per team in games increases, and students learn about basic field positions. By 4th and 5th grades, they learn more about strategy, formation, spacing and moving as a team. In kindergarten and 1st grade, teams are co-ed; this year the teams will split into girls and boys starting in 2nd grade. Our elementary teams compete in the CYO league (practices during the week, games on Saturdays), while middle school participates in the CMSL league (games and practices both on weekdays). Teams and days: K-1st grade coed practices on Thursdays from 3:15 until 4:45 and games on Saturdays (Sep 9th Oct 23rd) 2nd grade girls practices on Fridays from 3:15 until 4:45 and games on Saturdays (Sep 10th Oct 23rd) 2nd grade boys practices on Fridays from 3:15 until 4:45 and games on Saturdays (Sep 10th Oct 23rd) 3rd grade girls practices on Wednesdays from 3:15 until 4:45 and games on Saturdays (Sep 8th Oct 23rd) 3rd grade boys practices on Wednesdays from 3:15 until 4:45 and games on Saturdays (Sep 8th Oct 23rd) 4-5th grade girls practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15 until 4:45pm and games on Saturdays (Sep 7th Oct 23rd) 4-5th grade boys practices on Mondays and Thursdays from 3:15 until 4:45pm and games on Saturdays (Sep 9th Oct 23rd) Middle school girls practices on Tuesdays and Fridays from 3:15 until 5pm (Sep 7th Oct 29th) Middle school boys practices on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:15 until 5pm (Sep 8th Oct 27th) Our coaches Stefano Rampazzo, Jasmin Montiel, Kyle Buonto, Traci Birkett, Alperen Ketene, and several others are excited to be back on the field with our young soccer players!

Views - 24/10/2021 Last update
meridian avenue north shoreline 15201
the evergreen school, wa, 98133, wa
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the evergreen school, wa, 98133, wa
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